Polara Updater Software: Performing a Firmware Upgrade
Before Starting a Firmware Upgrade
Polara System Requirements
- Compatible Units: iCCU-S/S2, iCCU-C/C2, iNS2, iDS2
- Each iNS2 requires firmware v5.1.3 or greater to be installed in each unit in the intersection before the Network Firmware Update feature can be utilized. For existing intersections, this must be performed for each unit at the intersection before network firmware updates are possible.
- iCCU requires firmware v4.02 to be installed before the Network Firmware Update feature can be utilized. This firmware can be installed remotely using the Intelligent Config PC App.
- iCCU requires an Ethernet connection to the TMC for scheduled remote updates.
On each intersection receiving firmware, as soon as the iCCU receives the new firmware files, the iCCU will begin a transfer process over the 2-Wire network to each iNS unit requiring an update. In an intersection with optimal PLC connection quality, the process should take approximately six minutes per iNS to complete. Therefore, for an intersection of 8 units, the total firmware update time could be under an hour. For iNS units with poor quality PLC connections to the iCCU, the transfer time may take significantly longer. Therefore, it is recommended to schedule the updates to occur overnight to minimize the impact on any pedestrian traffic. While the firmware update process is running, all iNS units will perform a 3-flash pattern (maintenance mode) and will not play any audio nor respond to button presses. The Traffic Controller will receive constant calls during the firmware update process.
Refresh Unit Information
When the program is opened, the Polara Updater is not aware of the status of units at remote intersections. The intersection list will display a Status value of Status unknown. Refresh needed. To update the status of a single intersection, double-click on the intersection item and the Polara Updater will remotely connect to the iCCU via Ethernet, login, and query the iCCU and all connected PBSs for their information, then disconnect. To update a select few units, hold the CTRL key while clicking on multiple intersection items to select them, then right-click and select Query/Refresh status from the context menu. To refresh all units in the intersection list (all units will be queried regardless of the checkbox in the left column), click the Refresh All Units button. When multiple units are selected, communication with up to five units will be performed simultaneously to speed up the process. All will follow the same connect, login, query, disconnect process.
The Status column will display the detected status of the intersection. During the status check, the firmware installed on each unit in the intersection is compared to the selected firmware for update. If the firmware does not match, and all units are capable of a Network Firmware Update, then the status will display as Ready for Updates. If any units do not support Network Firmware Update, the status will display as On Location Update Required. If all units are up to date, the status will show No Updates Needed. See the complete Status Messages list section for more details on status messages.
The Current Status window is the information box to the right of the Intersection List and it contains the detailed status information from the latest refresh. The selected and highlighted intersection information will be displayed. This status includes three sections, the Status section which shows the state of the iCCU and iNS units and how many units are ready for updates. The iCCU Info section displays detailed information about the iCCU including its serial number, PLC setting, installed firmware, and information about the last firmware update. The iNav Units section details information about each unit including the PLC connection type, unit type, serial number, phase setting, firmware version, and information about the last firmware update.
Initiate and Monitor a Firmware Update
A firmware update process can be initiated manually or via a scheduled task. See the Scheduling Automatic Updates section for details about enabling automatic updates. Manual updates can be done by clicking the Update All Checked button or by selecting the Update All Checked Units item in the Options menu. Additionally, specific units can be updated by selecting (hold CTRL while selecting units to choose multiple), then right-clicking on the intersection list and selecting Update Firmware from the context menu.
When a firmware update process runs, the following is performed for each intersection included in the update:
- Online check for the latest firmware is performed (if enabled).
- Updater establishes connection to iCCU.
- iCCU and all iNS units are queried for current status and firmware version.
- If firmware update is available and intersection is in a ready for update condition, the selected firmware files are transferred to the iCCU and the iCCU begins the Network Firmware Update.
- Updater disconnects from the iCCU.
- The Intersection Update History is updated to include the start event and the Current Status information is stored with it.
- The iCCU puts the intersection in maintenance mode, then begins transferring the firmware files to each iNS in the intersection.
- Once all firmware files have been transmitted to each iNS, the iCCU sends the command to apply the new firmware files to all iNS units, then applies the new firmware files to itself.
- The iCCU reboots and begins to verify the firmware updates completed on each iNS.
- When all iNS units have successfully completed firmware updates, the process is complete.
- While the iCCU is busy performing the remote update, every 30 seconds the Updater queries the iCCU for updated progress information.
- When the Updater detects that the firmware update has completed, the Intersection Update History is updated to include the completion event and the new Current Status information is stored.
NOTE: While the firmware transfer is in process, the intersection will be placed in maintenance mode. This means that the iNS units will not be operational, the pilot LEDs will blink in a 3-Flash pattern, and the iCCU will place constant calls to the traffic controller. This action ensures that pedestrians will get a Walk signal.
Intersection Update History
The Intersection Update History is unique for each intersection item. As you click on the individual intersection items in the list, the Intersection Update History will show each firmware update event which the Updater has captured. For each intersection, the Update History is modified when the firmware update process begins and when it completes. As you click on the individual events in the Update History window the Current Status window updates to show what the status was at that time.
The Intersection Update History will only be captured while the Polara Updater application is running. If the firmware update process is manually initiated and then the Updater application is closed while the iCCU performs the remote update. Then the history will only capture the starting event, and there will be no history for the completion of the firmware update. To make sure all the history is captures, leave the Polara Updater application running for the entire duration of the firmware update process.
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