Polara Updater Software: Settings

Scheduling Automatic Updates

Manual Updates

By default, applying firmware updates is started manually. This can be done by clicking the Update All Checked button or by selecting the Update All Checked Units item in the Options menu. Additionally, specific units can be updated by selecting (hold CTRL while selecting units to choose multiple), then right-clicking on the intersection list and selecting Update Firmware from the context menu. See the Performing a Firmware Upgrade section for more details on the firmware upgrade process.

Enable Automatic Updates

Automatic updates can be performed in the background at scheduled intervals. When automatic updates are enabled, the Polara Updater does not exit when the program window is closed but is minimized to the system tray. The program continues to run in the background in a standby mode. Then when the scheduled time occurs, the program will begin the update process which performs the same operations which occur when clicking the Update All Checked button (See the Performing a Firmware Upgrade section for more details on the firmware upgrade process).

To enable automatic updates, enable the Automatically check radio button. Then select the desired interval and choose a starting date and time.

    • Daily – Every day at the selected starting time, the update process will begin.
    • Weekly – Once a week on the selected starting weekday, at the selected starting time, the update process will begin.
    • Monthly – On the selected starting date of every month, at the selected starting time, the update process will begin.
    • Every 3 Months – The update process will begin on the selected date at the selected starting time with a three month interval between.

To select a starting date, click on the desired value to change. Then use the keyboard to type the desired value or use the arrow buttons to increase/decrease the value and move left/right through the values to change. Clicking the down arrow will provide a calendar view which can also be used to edit the specific start date.

Click on the time field to edit the specific start time.

Setting Standard Password

The standard password must be set to be used when logging in to remote iCCU units. When the program is installed, this standard password is set to 12345. You must set this password to the typically used password for your group of iCCUs. When adding items to the intersection list, specific passwords can be set for each iCCU to override this standard password.

Debug Logging

To better assist Polara tech support in diagnosing any issues, the debug logging can be enabled. This feature will log all communication to iCCU units. If directed to by Polara Tech Support, enable this feature. Then perform the firmware update operations as normal. If any issues are observed, the logs can be packaged and transmitted to Polara for evaluation. To package the debug files, select the Export Debug Data option in the File menu.

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