Tech Brief #1067 - iNX Unresponsive and/or No Audio

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Originally posted 11/30/2021.

Product / Models Affected:

iNX and iDX Pushbuttons with firmware versions 1.0.6 or earlier


We have recently become aware that various RRFB manufacturers use different implementations for driving their lights and the iNX may not be compatible with some of them. This has led to some field issues where the button becomes unresponsive if it is running firmware version 1.0.6 or earlier. We have introduced some firmware mechanisms that allow the unit to auto recover by performing a self-reset at 2:00am, just after all button counts are logged to memory. This firmware, version 1.0.7, was released today and is now available in the iOS and Android Field Service apps. This will dramatically reduce the number of observed issues. Over the next several months, we will be testing and accumulating data that will lead to a version with greater compatibility amongst RRFB devices. If installed iNX or iDX buttons exhibit any operational issues, we recommend the firmware be upgraded to version 1.0.7.


Use the Polara Field Service App for iOS or Android to upgrade the iNX or iDX to the latest version of firmware (v1.0.7 as of the time of this Tech Brief release).

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