The List of iCCU units is shared with Intelligent Config PC App. Any existing iCCU units in the list of connectable units will automatically be imported into the Polara Updater app and the lists will remain synchronized between applications.
Global login password can be set within the Polara Updater application settings for all iCCU units, and independent passwords may be set for each iCCU if it differs from the global password.
Firmware Update process can be set to run either manually, or automatically at a specific time to run: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Every 3 Months.
When Firmware Update is set to run automatically, the Polara Updater remains running in the background and can be accessed via an icon in the system tray.
The Polara Updater can be set to automatically check the Polara Cloud for the latest firmware update, but the user can also manually select an iCCU and an iNS firmware file to be applied to all units.
The list of iCCU units is searchable and can be filtered by keywords to limit updates to filtered units.
Update history is stored for each intersection including information for each connected unitโs firmware and connection quality at the start and end of the firmware update process.