Advanced Comm. Setting Calibration Explained

Once a button is calibrated for an iCCU connection it expects to always find a iCCU in its calibrated band. If, upon powerup, it can longer find the iCCU in that band it will put itself in a un-calibrated mode. This starts the calibration process by searching each band, one at a time. It will stay in this mode until it finds an iCCU and completes its full calibration process.

Calibration Process (button perspective):

  • Set the Band to A to and gain to maximum
    • Look for iCCU
  • If not found, set Band to B and gain to maximum
    • Look for iCCU
  • If not found, set band to C gain to maximum
    • Look for iCCU
  • If not found, repeat these steps from the beginning (back to A)

  • If iCCU is found in any of these bands:
    • Set the gain to minimum try to discover the iCCU again
      • If not found increase gain and try to discover again
    • Repeat until found, then set the operating gain to 1 higher then the minimum where the discovery was successful

There are five gain setting a button uses: Min, Low, Medium, High, & Max.

If a button calibrates to Low, that means it was able to discover the iCCU at the Min setting

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